Why Team Build at an Escape Room?

If you’ve ever led a team where there were issues, and you noticed your team weren’t working in harmony, perhaps they were missing important communication cues and making mistakes, then you’ll know how problematic it can be. However, there are steps you can take to improve team building in your business and stop the rot before it gets really bad. Skills such as problem solving, analytical thinking and logic, as well as being able to communicate in a friendly manner are all essential in the workplace.

Some business believe team building activities are the answer, and they certainly have their place, but more importantly which team building activities you choose is crucial to getting the results you want. We’re a great fan of corporate escape rooms, and we’re biased because we run them ourselves, and we know how successful they are at team building. But what can we do to help persuade YOU they’re great, why team build at an Escape Room?

What are the most convincing reasons why team building gets results?

Team building events are not only fun but they’re also motivational. While your team are bonding, they’re picking up skills and improving existing ones along the way, ones which will help them carry out their jobs and communicate better with each other. These skills could be anything from planning, conflict resolution, problem-solving, logic and analytical thinking. 

Helping to make important long-lasting connections.

While having fun your team are helping to facilitate long term relationships through connections they make on the day. They’ll be able to have better more meaningful discussions and be better able to resolve issues by communicating on a deeper level than before.  

Networking and socializing.

By spending time with your work colleagues you’re bonding and getting to know each other, and this will lead to you feeling more relaxed with your work colleagues thus making it easier to work with each other, and this in turn will help to increase productivity in the office. It’ll help boost morale, and in turn help your team to solve everyday problems easier.

Team building is a positive force for good in your business.

You’ll find that your team will be able to work on projects much better than before and find that once they’ve bonded, they know each other’s weaknesses and strengths and can help each other reach important goals. 

Competition, increased productivity and team spirit.

You’ll find that if there’s a healthy amount of competition it can increase productivity, and that healthy competitive edge will have been harnessed at the escape room stage.

Fun and increased motivation.

You can have fun on the day and then take that relaxed vibe and use it back at the office. Once your employees are motivated enough to get back to work, you’ll reap the rewards once the hard work sets in. All that celebration in winning and the fun and activities that you’ve used to enhance and encourage those all-important skills will hopefully make themselves known in future projects when it counts.

Collaboration and fostering the innovative and creative in your team.

Once your team are comfortable with each other, they can go back to work as a more effective group. They’ll feel that much closer to each other and have more success in the workplace, coming up with more innovative ideas, and you should see an increase in their creative output. 

For team building activities that work – it has to be escape.

All in all, escape is the best way of building your team and helping them bond, thus increasing motivation, creative output and better collaboration. So, if you think you’d like to give your team a gift that just keeps on giving, get in touch with us here at Escape Peterborough and we’ll do all we can to answer your questions and help steer you in the direction of our amazing escape rooms for what is the best team building activity out there.

Escape Peterborough - History’s Most Daring Escapes

Escape Rooms are an amazing way to lose yourself, escaping from the humdrum of our daily lives. There have been quite a few daring escapes in history and it’s easy to understand why people would want to feel the sense of escapism this generates. If you’d like to find out history’s most daring escapes, then you’re in the right place. Hopefully it will fuel your imagination sufficiently to make you pay us a visit here at Escape Peterborough.

The Midnight Express.

This is the story of someone who was serving a life sentence in prison for smuggling drugs but escaped using a variety of different modes of travel. This included a rowing boat and a train, with him traveling as far as Istanbul and Greece. After this he found himself in America where he wrote a book, which then went on to become a very famous film. 

Helicopter escapades.

Helicopter rides are exciting even if you’re just traveling to a destination. Pascal Payet used this type of travel to escape from prison, and not only that, he did it from two different prisons in France, both high security. Four men helped him to escape by helicopter. He then miraculously went on to help 3 other people escape via the same miraculous method – I think he must have found helicopters to be particularly helpful, so why not do the same for somebody else?

Alcatraz Prison.

On the isolated and foreboding place Alcatraz island, Alcatraz is almost impossible to reach unless you own a boat in the middle of nowhere. It was designed to be completely impenetrable for the inmates, however someone did in fact escape. They did it by digging themselves out and then crawling through an air vent and then through a drainpipe, no one knows what happened to them however, so they may have drowned in their efforts rather than escape the prison – well they did escape the prison, but perhaps not lived to tell the tale.

Escape Peterborough – for a different kind of escape that won’t end in tragedy or a lengthy prison sentence.

Yes, we have a game of intrigue and excitement which no doubt you can’t wait to try. Be aware that no one will be expecting you to carry out the kind of daring escapades we’ve mentioned here. All you have to do is lose yourself in the game and enjoy yourself. We can’t wait to see you here, just use the train, bus or car, no boats or helicopters necessary.

Book one of our rooms online or over the phone, and we’ll see you here, no ropes required. Come here with an open mind and a sense of expectation and you’ll have a fabulous time. We look forward to seeing you.

What Type of Event is an Escape Room Good For?

If you’re interested in a game that is interactive, fun and exciting, then Escape Peterborough is definitely for you. We work hard to make it just right so when you come here, you’ll have a fantastic time.  You may have been thinking about coming for a while and you’ve wondered to yourself what type of an event an Escape Room is good for. We’d love to see you here, so we’ll tell you all about some of the groups of people we see come here, and hopefully it’ll make you want to try it out for yourself. 

Corporate teams

The reason why corporate teams love Escape is because it’s the perfect way to assess skills which are essential for the workplace. If you want to create a team for a new project you have in mind, you could hand pick your potentials and bring them here to see who’s got the best skills. You’ll be able to see who needs more training, who is best for particular tasks. The most important skills are of course problem-solving, communication and logical/analytical skills – and it’s also a great way to get everyone together and out of the office.

Celebrations and good times

What do you want to celebrate? Perhaps it’s a birthday, anniversary, passing an exam or a driving test. Whatever it is, the Escape Room Games are the best way to celebrate a super special event. Find and solve the clues, win the game and then spend some quality time discussing it later at your favourite haunt, what’s not to love?

Students coming to Escape Peterborough

Yes, students love to come to Escape Rooms it’s the perfect way to escape the drudgery of deadlines and exams. Yes, they leave all that behind for an hour. Here they can spend time with friends, catch up with their nearest and dearest and just forget about all that hard work. 

Date Night/fun night – an unforgettable time

Yes, couples come here for a new way to spend their first date. It beats those awkward glances and long silences you don’t enjoy on a night out, and it’s a really great way to break the ice. Forget all the awkwardness and come down to Escape Games Peterborough where you’ll spend an hour finding and solving clues within the best hour of your life. When it’s over you’ll be exhausted, happy, and then ready to talk about your experiences, both good and bad down the pub.  

Escape Peterborough – for the best date

So, there you have it, some super fun and clever events we see at our Escape Room Games. Will you be here for a birthday, a corporate team event or a date with your most favourite person in the world. Perhaps you want to celebrate your relationship landmark or you’re celebrating finishing a course at university. Whatever it is we’d love it if you celebrated here with us, at Escape Peterborough. Book your room over the phone or online and hopefully we’ll see you here very soon!

Escape Rooms - a Unique and Fun Date

If you’re planning on going out on a date and you’re looking for something a bit different, then perhaps we can help. We think that our Escape Rooms here at Peterborough are a great way to do something unconventional and fun. If you’re wondering what on earth Escape Rooms are and whether or not you should try it as opposed to a more traditional date, then let us tell you about them first.

Our Escape Games are perfect for a fun date.

They’re innovative and different, and a million light years away from another boring night out. Instead you have an hour to play an interactive game where you hunt for clues in a themed room, no room for awkward conversations and embarrassing silences while you struggle for something to say. There’ll be plenty to talk about in your hour together in this Escape Game Challenge

Do something fun with someone you really like.

You don’t have to spend time doing something that’ll make you feel like you wish you hadn’t gone out. Why not build up anticipation over what the evening could bring rather than wonder with dread as to how you’re going to get through it sane? In fact, you could even go on a game with your long-term boyfriend or husband as well as a first date. Why not do something fun and exciting with your best friend and fellow ally through life and see who wins?

Memories are made of this, fun memories you won’t forget.

From navigating the room together and finding those clues, and all the funny things that happen along the way, it’ll will provide you with lots to talk and laugh about later. You’ll be returning to it again and again for light relief in the worst of times and referring to it with friends when you recount how much fun you both had and how you managed to complete the task. Where did it lead? Did you see each other again afterwards? Was it a long time? Did you argue or laugh about it later?

Prepare for the best night of your life.

It could even be one of the best dates you’ve ever been on. And as well as this you’ll be able to enjoy having your adrenaline soar as you enjoy the intense joy and excitement of playing the game – together. The rush of endorphins without the dangerous activities you’d normally have to do to get that, and what’s more you can even dress up if you want. That’s an ice breaker you won’t forget.

Escape Peterborough– for a unique night out you’ll never forget with the very best people you share your life with.

And you know what – the chemistry between you and your date could be even better than if you had spent it in a more traditional way. We think you’ll love it and it’s an experience you’re not likely to forget, so why not come on down? Book online or over the phone and we’ll see you here!

The Ultimate Guide to Beating an Escape Room

If you’re looking to win on your first Escape Room Game, then this post should give you a few tips on how to beat the clock effectively. We can’t say that by reading our post you’ll win the game, but what it will do is give you a few clues before you get here and make you feel more confident. So, read the only guide you’ll ever need on beating the Escape Room challenge. 

Keep clues and puzzles in one central place

Don’t lose your clues, because if you do you may never see them again and that could lose you the entire game. There are lots of different things to consider, including furniture, pictures, bookshelves, things on the floor, on the wall etc, so it makes sense to allocate one place to put them where they can be worked on together as a group later once you’ve found them all. 

Familiarise yourself with the room’s layout

You’ll find that most of the Escape Rooms, wherever they are, are designed in a similar way and will follow the same rules. Knowing this will save you time as you navigate your way around the room. The game is designed so you’ll find them and solve them within 60 minutes, so don’t overthink it. 

Play will people you know well

If you play with people you know there will be less awkwardness and you won’t be faced with the prospect of spending time with someone you don’t get on with. Pick people that have similar interests to you and people you know will play as you do – to win. They could be people you work with on a regular basis, or close friends and family.

Keep the team small

You’re supposed to have anywhere between two to six players in a game. We suggest you choose under the maximum number of six. That way it won’t be too crowded, there’ll be room for people to move around and there’ll be no one bumping into the furniture or each other. 

Escape Peterborough – for the ultimate game you always want to come out on top in

Now we’ve given away our secrets we know you’ll want to try it yourself. After all this is the best fun you can have in an hour. It’s interactive, thought provoking and really tests you in more ways than one. Book over the phone or online and we’ll see you down here, and if you don’t win first time, you can always come back and try again.

What NOT To Do in an Escape Room

Let’s take a look at what you shouldn’t do in an Escape Room, shall we? Hopefully, after reading you’ll be able to double your chances of winning and stop focusing on things that could hold you back. We love to give our players a fighting chance of winning the game, so read on to find out what you shouldn’t be doing when you’re in an Escape Room.

Don’t touch...please!

If you see signs saying don’t touch, then it means don’t touch anything. We design our rooms and set everything up in a certain way, so you’ll have the best time while you’re in there and get the most out of the game. There may be some props in the room with you that have stickers on them. They’ll tell you not to touch, and by that we mean really, please don’t touch. Leave the bits you shouldn’t mess with and stay focused on the game, they’re there for a reason, but if you start playing with them, and something breaks, it could not only ruin the game it could leave you with a bill for the damage.

And yes, we come to the bit where we say don’t break things simply so you can find the clues. It really isn’t necessary no matter how much of a rush and panic you may feel yourself in. Thrashing around and throwing things about won’t help. Stay calm and take your time, have you not heard of the saying ‘more haste less speed?’ Yes, exactly. And again, you could be left with a bill to pay, let’s leave that sobering thought there for a moment.

Don’t be tempted to run off with a souvenirs and bits ‘n’ bobs

Yes, we do have replacements, however, they run out eventually, and it adds to the costs to replace them. No matter how tempting it might seem, don’t do it, just stroke them and look at them if you must – but no slipping them into your pocket.

Don’t turn into a champion climber while you’re in the Escape Room

What we mean is – don’t climb all over the furniture like you’re traversing the Himalayas because you’re desperate to find the clues. You could cause permanent damage and we’d have to replace whatever it is you’ve broken. And whatever you do, don’t turn up under the influence of alcohol because we’ll have to ask you to leave – pronto. We make the rules, so you'll know what you can and can’t do, and we do this because they’re there to keep you safe. It also stops us from having to interrupt the game and tell you what it is you’re doing wrong – when you could be having the best time ever.

Escape Peterborough – for the best hour of your life

We’ve told you what you shouldn’t be doing, and you’re now left with what you can do. We think you’d do nicely to just come on in and take part in the game and forget the world outside, no touching, taking things and putting them in your pocket, or running away with the bits and parts – and you really will have a fantastic time. So, why not book online or over the phone today?

Why You Should Book an Escape Room Birthday Party

Today we’re talking about birthdays, they may not be your favourite day of the year but we love them. We also see a lot more people come here to celebrate them too. The reason for this is that it’s such a great way to celebrate your birthday, all those you get every year and those special milestone birthdays. What better way than to celebrate your birthday with an Escape Game Challenge in one of our themed rooms?

Birthday parties can be expensive

Birthday parties can cost an arm and a leg. Whether you celebrate at home, at the pub, or hire a venue, once you’ve paid for all the food, entertainment, etc, you’ve got an empty wallet. With Escape Room Games you pay only for your ticket in and everyone else can pay for their own, and then it’s just you, your friends and the game. 

Live entertainment game for those that love to talk

Yes, it’s a game and it’s a great opportunity to communicate in an interactive game that is fun and for everyone. Look at everyone’s communication styles and how people interact with each other, it’s a great way to see how people collaborate. It’s a great opportunity to work with your friends in a way that’s both challenging and tremendous fun.

Escape Rooms are for everyone regardless of age

Anyone under sixteen will need supervised, but as long as there’s an adult there, they can take part too. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to take part either, it’s not that difficult and yes a child can definitely play, so Escape Rooms are for the whole family - what better way to celebrate a birthday?

No, you don’t like surprise birthday parties or dinner-parties

If you’re shy and you like to be in a small group of friends, a massive party might be the last thing you’d want, and who can blame you? Not everyone is a fan of the surprise, much less the surprise birthday party. If you don’t fancy walking into a crowded room full of friends and family bellowing happy birthday at you, and making you want to cringe - and maybe there’s one or two not-such-great-friends there too who’ve come as well, you might be in the mood to run for the hills. Perhaps Escape Room Games is the very best alternative, and just the thing to keep you happy. Small groups in an intimate setting, but also having tremendous fun. What could be better than this?

Escape Peterborough - for the best birthday you’ve ever had

If you’re sick of traditional birthday parties, you hate surprises and no, you don’t want to sit around a dinner table making boring conversation with people you’d rather not be in a room with, why not book a room with us and have the time of your life. A nice intimate setting, one room, a small group of friends and some clues to chase down. We can guarantee you’ll love it! Book online or over the phone and we’ll see you here at Escape Peterborough!